Thursday, January 29, 2009


This training is intended for strong upper intermediate and advanced non-native English speakers.

If you are accepted as a client, you and anyone else you have invited to join you for this training, will be given a series of written questions for review. The questions are to be answered in writing and submitted for correction...PRIOR to the first mock interview.

You are encouraged to record all mock interviews (digital camera, camcorder, etc) for later review and instruction.

Before and after each mock interview there will be interview tips and error correction as needed.

You are to speak, dress and behave as you would for an actual inteview.

You are asked to write testimonials on this blog, during and after the training.

As time and interest permit videos and/or podcasts will be reviewed and commented on. Participants are encouraged to use the resources on the right hand side of this page. Participants are encouraged to record our sessions together.

How could the interviewees improve their performance (below)?

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